Las presentes condiciones de uso de la página web, regulan los términos de acceso y uso de  propiedad de REXPO IMPORTACIÓN Y EXPORTACIÓN, S.L. , correo electrónico administració y con CIF  ESB84582451,   en adelante, “la Empresa”, que el usuario del portal deberá aceptar para usar todos los servicios e información que se facilitan desde el portal.

El usuario, así como la Empresa, propietaria del portal, podrán ser denominados conjuntamente como las partes. El mero acceso o utilización del portal, de todos o parte de sus contenidos y servicios significa la plena aceptación de las presentes condiciones de uso. La puesta a disposición y el uso del portal se entiende sometida al estricto cumplimiento de los términos recogidos en las presentes condiciones de uso del portal.

Site content

Information and Services

Users can access different types of information and services through the portal. The portal reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the information and services offered on the portal. The user expressly acknowledges and accepts that the portal may interrupt, deactivate, and/or cancel any information or service at any time. The portal will make its best efforts to ensure availability and accessibility to the website. However, on occasion, due to maintenance, updates, changes in location, etc., it may result in the interruption of access to the portal.

Site's responsibility for Content

The application does not intervene in the creation of those contents and/or services provided or supplied by third parties in and/or through the application, and it also does not control their legality. In any case, it does not offer any kind of guarantee regarding them. The user acknowledges that the application is not and will not be responsible for the contents and/or services provided or supplied by third parties in and/or through the application. The user agrees that the application will not assume any responsibility for any damage or harm resulting from the use of this information or third-party services.

Exceptuando los casos que la Ley imponga expresamente lo contrario, y exclusivamente con la medida y extensión en que lo imponga, la aplicación no garantiza ni asume responsabilidad alguna respecto a los posibles daños y perjuicios causados por el uso y utilización de la información, datos y servicios de la aplicación.  

In any case, the application excludes any liability for damages and harm that may be due to the information and/or services provided or supplied by third parties other than the Company. All liability will be with the third party, whether it is a provider, collaborator, or another.


User's obligations

El usuario deberá respetar en todo momento los términos y condiciones establecidos en el presente aviso legal. De forma expresa, el usuario manifiesta que utilizará el portal de forma diligente y asumiendo cualquier responsabilidad que pudiera derivarse del incumplimiento de las normas. 

The user agrees that, in cases where data or information are requested, they will not falsify their identity by pretending to be someone else. The user accepts that the use of the Portal will be for strictly personal, private, and particular purposes. The user may not use the portal for activities contrary to the law, morality, and public order, as well as for prohibited purposes or those that violate or infringe on the rights of third parties. Likewise, the dissemination, storage, and/or management of data or content that infringe on the rights of third parties or any regulations governing intellectual or industrial property rights are prohibited.

 Así mismo, el usuario no podrá utilizar el portal para transmitir, almacenar, divulgar promover o distribuir datos o contenidos que sean portadores de virus o cualquier otro código informático, archivos o programas diseñados para interrumpir, destruir o perjudicar el funcionamiento de cualquier programa o equipo informático o de telecomunicaciones. 

 El usuario se obliga a indemnizar y a mantener indemnes al portal por cualquier daño, perjuicio, sanción, multa, pena o indemnización que tenga que hacer frente el portal.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

El portal adopta para el tratamiento de los datos todas las medidas técnicas y organizativas de seguridad que sean de obligación, de conformidad con lo establecido por la legislación vigente. 

 El usuario manifiesta de forma expresa que cualquier dato personal o de un tercero al que acceda, introduzca, modifique o suprima tiene derecho a hacerlo o dispone de la autorización expresa de este tercero.

El portal informa al usuario que podrá ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación dirigiéndose a la siguiente dirección:

Terms of sale

Refund and Warranty Policy

We do not offer refunds once the product is shipped; you are responsible for understanding this before purchasing. We ask that you carefully read before purchasing. We only make exceptions to this rule if the description does not match the product. Some products may have warranties and the possibility of a refund, but this will be specified when purchasing the product. In such cases, the warranty will only cover manufacturing defects and will only be effective if the product has been used correctly. The warranty does not cover breakdowns or damage caused by misuse. Warranty terms are associated with manufacturing and operational failures under normal product conditions, and these terms will only be effective if the equipment has been used correctly. This includes:

- In accordance with the technical specifications indicated for each product.
- In environmental conditions in accordance with the specifications indicated by the manufacturer.
- In specific use for the function for which it was factory-designed.
- In electrical operating conditions in accordance with the specified specifications and tolerances.

Payment terms

 El cliente declara que tiene plena capacidad para realizar la compra, siendo mayor de edad y estando en posesión de una tarjeta de crédito o débito válida y emitida por un banco que resulte aceptable para la empresa. El Cliente garantiza y se responsabiliza de que todos los datos facilitados sobre su tarjeta sean válidos.

Wrong price

In the event that a product is displayed with an incorrect price on our website due to an error in information or data entry, we reserve the right to correct such error. If a user makes a purchase of a product at an incorrect price, they will be notified of the correction and given the opportunity to confirm or cancel the purchase at the correct price. This clause ensures that, in case of pricing errors, users have the opportunity to confirm their purchase at the correct price or cancel it without incurring undue charges. This reflects a fair and honest approach to handling pricing errors on the website.

Return policy

El cliente de REXPO tiene el derecho y puede reclamar la devolución de un producto. Esta devolución está sujeta a unas condiciones especificadas a continuación.

REXPO's online store has a return period of 10 business days from the date the transportation company delivers the order to the address specified in the purchase. The customer must notify about any return before 2 business days have elapsed through one of our contact channels.

Si el cliente desea hacer la devolución de alguno de nuestros productos debe comunicarlo a través de:

- Teléfono (+34 913 209 784) en horario de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 6:00 pm

- Correo electrónico (administració

La información a aportar en caso de reclamar una devolución es a siguiente:

- Número de pedido

- Factura de pedido

- Fotos demostrando el mal estado del producto o caja

The customer will receive a response regarding their product return request within a maximum period of 3 days. If the return is not accepted and/or the conditions for accepting the return are not met, the customer will be notified by email of the reason for non-acceptance.

El cliente podrá devolver todos los productos, dentro del plazo establecido en cada caso, a excepción de:

- No satisfacción con el producto comprado.

- Cuando no cumple las expectativas deseadas.

While the customer has the product, they are responsible for keeping it in good condition and storing it securely. Returns of used and damaged products will not be accepted. Returns of defective or damaged products will be accepted (see 'Types of Returns' below).

Para que se aplique y acepte la devolución, el producto devuelto deberá:

- Estar en óptimas condiciones, sin señales de haber sido utilizado

- El producto no debe estar alterado o modificado de su estado original

- El producto debe estar limpio y en buen estado. Tal y cómo ha sido entregado

Types of returns

Defective or Damaged Products

We apologize for receiving damaged or defective products. In this case, the customer can request a return because a product is defective within 3 business days from the delivery date.

NOTE: If the product appears to be defective, please inspect it thoroughly and consult the product documentation or contact us on

For the return due to a defective product, the defect of the item must first be verified by sending photos that can confirm that the product in question is actually damaged or deteriorated.

Product damaged during shipping

If you receive a product damaged during shipping, the customer must contact our contact methods within 48 hours from the arrival of the product at its destination, and we will indicate the procedure to follow. It is essential to provide visual evidence that certifies that the material did arrive in a bad condition due to shipping.

Product that does not meet expectations

En caso de recibir un producto que no responde con lo que el cliente buscaba, des de REXPO no se permite la devolución de los productos por éste tipo de motivo.

Return costs

If the product is returned due to an error on the part of REXPO, such as a product in poor condition, damaged, defective, or a shipping error, the company will cover the return charges.

Si se devuelve un producto porque no satisface las expectativas del cliente, póngase en contacto con nosotros mediante nuestras vías de contacto. Los gastos de del transporte de la devolución correrán a cargo del cliente.

When making a return of a product, the customer can choose between:

1- Exchange of the product (subject to stock availability at the time of the exchange) for an identical one, in the case that the reason for the return is the poor condition of the product.

2- Exchange of the product for a different one (subject to stock availability at the time of the exchange). Exchanges can only be made for products of equal or lesser value than the original. If there is a price difference, the customer will receive it in the form of a coupon for a new purchase in REXPO's online store. If there is no availability for the exchange, the value of the product(s) will be provided in the form of a coupon for a new purchase."

Cualquiera de las opciones elegidas se debe pactar y acordar entre la empresa y el cliente.

Changes for the same product or another, if stock is available, will follow the same delivery times as a regular delivery, once the returned product is received at the warehouse.

To return the product, you can use the same packaging in which the order was delivered or use packaging of your choice. However, it is important that the packaging is suitable and secure according to the nature of the product so that it is not affected during the transportation process. If the package is received in different packaging than it was sent and in poor condition due to shipping, the return will not be accepted.